In 2007 I had a choice to make – to either jump from UQ to a small company teaching brush-up sedimentology skills to oil-company geologists, or to another small company, Gobi Coal and Energy, as an Exploration Geologist in Mongolia. Both options were appealing, but in the end, I decided on Mongolia.
For five years or so, that ended up being the craziest life I ever imagined. After a year or so, things expanded to a kind of Mongolia-Indonesia-Turkey circuit. Stints in Siberia, Ghana, Swaziland, and Tanzania were there as well.
This eventually came to an end with the jailing of the company Chairman, Mo Munshi, for seven years in Mongolia. The charge was ‘fraud’. Two-day trial, go-figure.
What a well presented and informative site. And some amazing fossils too!
Very belated thanks!