The Musket Wars? Shortly after Europeans began operating in Aotearoa-New Zealand (c. 1807-1837), a series of conflicts among the indigenous Maori dramatically …
An elite woman who read ‘Migration Woman Vogue’. In January 1910, gold jewellery and bones were accidentally uncovered near the village of …
An academic asks ChatGPT about New Zealand’s Miocene Manuherikia Group Your narrator dips his toes into this ChatGPT thing With a nod …
Bleached moa bones projected out from the steep bank of the nearly dry gully. This was exciting, as there were clearly several …
1066 and the Dead Parrot (The weird things going on in the margins of the Bayeux Tapestry)
by Mike Poleby Mike PoleI like to see things for myself. It can give me a sense of place or scale that one doesn’t get from …
What’s a guy to do during lock-down? I’ve chosen to time-travel back to around the first and second centuries AD. At that …
ClimateNew Zealand Geology
Bob Carter, Greenhouse Warming, and One Alarmed Palaeontologist
by Mike Poleby Mike PoleI met Bob Carter after one of my fossil-collecting mates, Duncan McLeod, came across some shell fossils in a ‘marl pit’ on …
Australian EcologyClimateFireForests
How to Thoroughly Confuse Everyone about Prescribed Burning in Australia
by Mike Poleby Mike PoleIn the last couple of days, something of a ‘blue’ has developed among some Western Australian fire experts over ‘Prescribed Burning’ – …
Australian EcologyClimateFireForests
Did Queensland Rainforest Spread when Cultural Burning Stopped?
by Mike Poleby Mike Pole“This is the Giant Stinger tree – avoid it”. Work place health and safety now out of the way, I could then …
ClimateFireForestsNew Zealand plant fossils
When New Zealand was a Burning Land
by Mike Poleby Mike PoleBroken River is a Hell of a place to get to. From Christchurch you need to head inland, driving along the road …